Punjab Public Service Commission PPSC

Punjab Public Service Commission was established to fill the vacant seats of Punjab Government with eligible candidates. PPSC select the candidates through a competitive exam in which interested bachelor degree candidates from all over Punjab can participate. These candidates have to pass the written test, interview and psychological test in order to quality for his/ her desired post. It is necessary to pass PPSC exams to get the job of provincial government of post 17 or above while exams for several other posts provincial government are also filled through PPSC.
The admission and registration process by PPSC starts few months before the start of the exams. The students submit registration form and application for the desired post and in case of eligibility, the PPSC allots them roll number and registration number. Later, the date sheets are issued by the PPSC for the students and they can know about their examination schedule, location, city, roll number and other important details through roll number slips and date sheets.
Model papers and past papers are very important for the candidates of PPSC as the model papers are made according to the latest paper pattern and examination syllabus which is adopted by the PPSC for competitive exams while past papers help the candidates to understand the important types of questions for the exams. Model papers are provided to the official site of the PPSC while past papers can be bought from market.
PPSC announces the results of the competitive exams after just few months of the exams. The results of written papers are available at the official site of PPSC while the successful candidates are called for the interview and psychological test separately through email and SMS on mobile phone.